
Skills and Competencies of HR Person

People are, without doubt, the most valuable resources of an organization. They plan the actions and operational strategies in a company, making it prosper and increase its financial capital. It is important to manage and ensure that these people need to be performed by a professional who understands the nature of organizations and at the same time knows enhance the skills of its employees, or for a HR Manager. The professional body for human resource can offer an innovative and unique resource which also recognizes what makes a successful HR professional. The HR person sets out the personal attributes so that they can analyses the information as soon as they can and employ it to make healthy decisions in the organization. Some of the skills and competencies are as follows:

  • Passion for people

The HR manager must have skill to ensure the needs and obligations of the entire staff of a company. In this sense, he or she should like to live and work with people. Being in love with humanity of people – his faults, qualities, pain and emotions – makes this professional is much more efficient and healthy.

  • Wisdom

Common sense is an extremely necessary assignment to the HR manager; after all, it needs to have much wisdom to be able to balance the decisions, judgments and delicate situations in a company. By constantly dealing with people, processes, rules and standards of conduct, must have the ability to make sensible and smart choices, always with caution and balance.

  • Leadership skills

To manage people you will need enough exercise your leadership. This means that you need to win the trust and friendliness of employees, and only then act in a strategic way and integrated with business objectives. Remember, the good leader is one who inspires people, so to succeed in this career; you need to believe in the work that plays with optimism and focus on the future and the solutions of the problems.

  • Communication skills

With so much responsibility in your hands, it is critical that the HR manager has a remarkable ability to communicate with people. This, however, means HR manager like to communicate. You need to be very successful in the art of conveying a message to recipients in the case of HR managers communicate layoffs, notifications, admissions and of course promotions. It may seem that these are simple news to deliver, but they depend also the emotions of the people who are receiving and sending the message.

  • Serenity

To get through a positive and confident message to employees, the HR manager must have serenity both in his way of speaking, as in his way of acting and thinking. Being calm is important to understand the time to listen and when to talk. After all, this professional must understand constantly the whole context behind the words: emotions, thoughts, stories and characteristics of each. Since the duties of the human resources sector are many, which generates a large volume of documents, the manager should be organized.

Many functions of Human Resources, the manager must be able to think of several activities at the same time. Once the HR sector holds confidential information about employees, such as health reports, family, personal data, it makes the “midfield” between employer and employees, so that they must have political and conflict management skills.

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